Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Lab

Portable Lightweight Soft Hand Exoskeleton

Our portable tendon drive hand exoskeleton can provide assistant flexion force for 3 fingers to perform 5 classes of grasps including flat grasp, distal grasp, cylindrical grasp, spherical grasp, and ring grasp.

Figure 1


Figure 1

Architecture of Sensor, Communication, Control

The electronic architecture of the exoskeleton facilitated high-level control, motor control, sensor signal conditioning, data communication, and power management.

Figure 1

Hardware Features

Figure 1


  • Guo, J., Yu, S., Li, Y., Huang, T.H., Wang, J., Lynn, B., Fidock, J., Shen, C.L., Edwards, D. and Su, H., 2018, April. A soft robotic exo-sheath using fabric EMG sensing for hand rehabilitation and assistance. In 2018 IEEE international conference on soft robotics (RoboSoft) (pp. 497-503). IEEE. PDF

  • Yu, S., Perez, H., Barkas, J., Mohamed, M., Eldaly, M., Huang, T.H., Yang, X., Su, H., del Mar Cortes, M. and Edwards, D.J., 2019, April. A soft high force hand exoskeleton for rehabilitation and assistance of spinal cord injury and stroke individuals. In Frontiers in Biomedical Devices (Vol. 41037, p. V001T09A011). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PDF