Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Lab



Office: Engineering Building III (EB3) 3282
Lab: Engineering Building III (EB3) 3001
Email: hao.su796 at
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Dr. Hao Su, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the North Carolina State University. He is also a faculty at the Joint UNC/NCSU Biomedical Engineering Department. He is the Director of Center of Assistive and Personal Robotics for Independent Living (APRIL). He was Irwin Zahn Endowed Assistant Professor at City University of New York, City College. He was a Research Scientist at Philips Research North America where he designed robots for lung surgery, and then a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. He obtained Ph.D. degree on Surgical Robotics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Su received NSF CAREER Award, Switzer Distinguished Fellow by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Toyota Mobility Challenge Discover Award, the Best Medical Robotics Paper Runner-up Award in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Best Student Paper Award, Dynamic Systems & Control Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Philips Innovation Transfer Award. He received the Advanced Simulation & Training Award from the Link Foundation and Dr. Richard Schlesinger Award from the American Society for Quality. His work was published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Science Robotics, Science Advances, and Nature Machine Intelligence. He serves as Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, associate editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), and IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). He holds patents on surgical robotics and socially assistive robots.

Affiliated Faculty and Postdoctoral Scholars

Antonio Di Lallo

PhD, Università di Pisa

Postdoc Fellow

Ivan Lopez-Sanchez

PhD, Instituto Politécnico


Postdoc Fellow

Daniel Rodriguez-Jorge

PhD, Universidad de


Postdoc Fellow

Yanbin Li

PhD, NC State University

Postdoc Fellow

(Co-advised with Dr. Jie Yin)

Sainan (Selena) Zhang

PhD, City Univ. of New York

Postdoc Fellow

Yuming Yan

PhD, Nanyang Technological


Postdoc Fellow

Zhimin Hou

PhD, National University of


Postdoc Fellow

PhD Students

Junxi Zhu

M.S., University of Maryland
College Park

Israel Dominguez Silva

M.S.,Instituto Politécnico

Weibo Gao

M.S., University of

Menghan Jiang

M.S., University of

Nikhil Kantu

M.S., University at Buffalo

Jason Huang

M.S., NC State University

Xinlei Zhang

B.S., South China University of Technology

Master's Students

Thomas H. Taylor

B.S., Wake Forest University

Nitin Srinivasan

B.S., Dayananda Sagar
College of Engineering

Undergraduate Students

Alexis Cruz-Ayala

Duke University

Braden McCluney

NC State University

James Rateliff

NC State University

Lab Alumni (Postdoctoral Fellows)

Dr. Shuzhen Luo
Assistant Professor
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U
Dr. Shuangyue Yu
Assistant Professor
Beijing Univ. of Technology
Dr. Tzu-hao Huang
Robotics Engineer
Flexiv Robotics
Dr. Tairan Liu
Assistant Professor
California State University
Dr. Thassyo Pinto
Robotics Engineer
Dr. Mhairi MacLean
Assistant Professor
U of Twente, Netherlands
Dr. Lin Jiang
Assistant Professor
San Jose State University
Dr. Fangshi Zhu
Health Studies Scientist

Lab Alumni (PhD Student)

Dr. Sainan Zhang
Postdoctoral Fellow
NC State University
Dr. Shuangyue Yu
Postdoctoral Fellow
NC State University

Lab Alumni (Master, Undergraduate Student, Interns, and Others)

Hadia Perez
GE Healthcare
Jade Ardinez
Johnson Controls
Brian Lynn
Mechanical Engineer
ULC Robotics
Kevin Nogacz
Mechanical Engineer
Easy Aerial Inc, E.I.T.
Jason Calle
Antony John E
Product Design Engineer
Haixiang (Nick) Fang
TuSimple, Self-driving
Benjamin Bokser
Boston dynamics AI institute


Fangshi Zhu, Co-advised with Dr. James Chang, currently at Apple


Tzu-Hao Huang, Postdoc fellow, currently Assistant Professor at City University of New York


Xiaolong Yang, Postdoc fellow, currently Associate Professor


Ben Bokser, Engineer, Boeing


Valentin Adesman, Engineer, Raytheon


Yanjun Li, PhD Candidate, Case Western Reserve University


Jiaqi Guo, PhD Candidate, New York University


Junlin Wang, Mechanical Engineer, BrianCo Inc., M.S., Carnegie Mellon University


Xiao Li, Mechanical Engineer, BrianCo Inc., M.S., Virginia Tech


Haodan Tan, Intern, United Nations, Ph.D., Indiana University

Yuxin Fu, Research Scholars, M.S., Columbia University

Jianfu Yang, Research Scholars, M.S., Columbia University

Jiechao Ma, Research Scholars, Ph.D., Purdue University

Yuxin Fu, Apple Inc., M.S. Columbia University