IROS2021 Workshop
Challenges and Opportunities of Human-robot Symbiosis: from Wearable Robots to Neurorobotics
Date: October 1, Friday, 2021
Time: 08:50 - 13:50 (EST), 14:50 - 19:50 (CEST), 20:50 - 01:50(+1) (Singapore)
The event needs pre-registration. Please register for online Zoom Webinar through this link: Registration
Jump to: Topics, Organizers, Speakers, Schedules.
- Wearable robotics
- Brain-computer interface
- Neurorobotics
- Human-robot interaction
- Design and mechanism of wearable robots and wearable interfaces
- Sensing and perceptions
- Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics
![]() Myunghee Kim |
![]() Pauline Maurice |
![]() Harry Asada |
![]() Hao Su |
![]() Wenlong Zhang |

Raymond Kai-yu Tong, Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of HongKong
Bio: Prof. Raymond's research interests include Rehabilitation Robotics (e.g. Hand of Hope), Brain-Computer Control Interface (BCI), Neural Engineering, Functional Electrical Stimulation(FES) and Cognitive Assessment Software. Projects have been funded by Innovation and Technology Fund and UGC CERG/GRF as principal investigator. His research, innovation and service have received Awardee of the 2013 Ten Outstanding Young Persons.

Herman van der Kooij, Professor
Department of Biomechanical Engineering, University of Twente
Bio: Prof. Herman's expertise and interests are in the field of human balance and motor control, adaptation, and learning. He combines experiments with neuro-mechanical models. His group designed various rehabilitation, wearable robots, diagnostic, and assistive robotics. Examples are the gait rehabilitation robot LOPES and the Mindwalker wearable exoskeleton.

Haoyong Yu, Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
Bio: Dr. Haoyong Yu is an Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He received his Bachelor’ s Degree and Master’ s Degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and PhD from Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT). His current research interests include biomedical robotics and devices, rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology, biologically inspired robotics, intelligent control and machine learning. Dr. Yu has published more than 160 papers in the top tier journals and leading conferences in robotics and control in recent years.

Pauline Maurice, Research Scientist
Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications
Bio: Maurice is a CNRS research scientist in LORIA (Nancy, France) working in the LARSEN team.Her research focuses on experimental and computational human motion analysis in the context of physical human-robot interaction. This research serves to develop human-centered designs and controllers for collaborative robots, with a focus on ergonomics.

Robert Gregg, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan
Talk title: Enhancing Voluntary Locomotion with Modular, Backdrivable, Powered Orthoses
Bio: Dr. Gregg directs the Locomotor Control Systems Laboratory, which conducts research on the control mechanisms of bipedal locomotion with applications to wearable and autonomous robots. He is a recipient of the Eugene McDermott Endowed Professorship, NSF CAREER Award, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, and Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface.

Matei Ciocarlie, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University
Bio: Dr. Ciocarlie's main interest is in robotics, looking to discover how artificial mechanisms can interact with the world as skillfully as biological organisms. Matei’s current work focuses on robot motor control, mechanism and sensor design, planning and learning, all aiming to demonstrate complex motor skills such as dexterous manipulation.

Michelle Johnson, Associate Professor
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Pennsylvania
Bio: Prof. Johnson's research is mainly in the area of robot-mediated rehabilitation. She is focused on the investigation and rehabilitation of dysfunction due to aging, neural disease, and neural injury. I am particularly interested in 1) exploring the relationships between brain plasticity and behavioral/motor control changes after robot-assisted interventions; 2)quantifying motor impairment and motor control of the upper limb in real world tasks such as drinking; and 3) defining the methods to maintain therapeutic effectiveness while administering local and remote, robot-mediated interventions.

Hao Su, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University
Bio: Hao Su is the Director of the Lab of Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (BIRO). He has been an associate editor for ICRA, IROS, EMBC, and RA-letter. Dr. Su received the US National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Toyota Mobility Challenge Discover Award, the Best Medical Robotics Paper Runner-up Award in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), and Philips Innovation Transfer Award.

Wenlong Zhang, Associate Professor
Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Arizona State University
Bio: Zhang's research interests lie in the design, modeling, and control of cyber-physical systems, with applications to healthcare, robotics and manufacturing. He received several honors and awards, including Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study from UC Berkeley, Best Paper Award in the 2013 IEEE Real-time System Symposium, and Semi-Plenary Paper Award Finalist in the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.

Harry Asada, Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bio: Professor Asada is currently working on a project called, "Robot-on-the-Human: Supernumerary Robotic Limbs," which is a wearable robot that is perceived to be part of the human body. Other projects include one on aircraft manufacturing sponsored by Boeing and another sponsored by Sumitomo Heavy Industries.

Myunghee Kim, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
Bio: Dr. Kim’s primary focus is the development of assistive robotic devices for improving mobility and quality of life through integrative approaches of numerical dynamic models, machine learning techniques, experimental testbeds, and controlled human-subject experiments.
Tentative Schedule:
EST | CEST | Singapore
08:50 -- 09:00 | 14:50 -- 15:00 | 20:50 -- 21:00 Welcome Remarks
---------------------------- Session 1 ----------------------------
09:00 -- 09:20 | 15:00 -- 15:20 | 21:00 -- 21:20 Raymond Kai-yu Tong, Chinese University of HongKong
09:20 -- 09:40 | 15:20 -- 15:40 | 21:20 -- 21:40 Herman van der Kooij, University of Twente
09:40 -- 10:00 | 15:40 -- 16:00 | 21:40 -- 22:00 Haoyong Yu, National University of Singapore
10:00 -- 10:20 | 16:00 -- 16:20 | 22:00 -- 22:20 Pauline Maurice, CNRS, Loria
10:20 -- 10:40 | 16:20 -- 16:40 | 22:20 -- 22:40 Robert Gregg, University of Michigan
---------------------------- Session 2: Panel Discussion & Short talks ----------------------------
10:40 -- 11:00 | 16:40 -- 17:00 | 22:40 -- 23:00 Panel Discussion
11:00 -- 11:05 | 17:00 -- 17:05 | 23:00 -- 23:05 Bhivraj Suthar, Chungnam National University, Korea
11:05 -- 11:10 | 17:05 -- 17:10 | 23:05 -- 23:10 Xinwei Li, Univ. of Shanghai for Science&Technology, China
11:10 -- 11:15 | 17:10 -- 17:15 | 23:10 -- 23:15 Omar Mounir Alaoui, Sorbonne University, France
11:15 -- 11:20 | 17:15 -- 17:20 | 23:15 -- 23:20 Shuzhen Luo, North Carolina State University, US
11:20 -- 11:25 | 17:20 -- 17:25 | 23:20 -- 23:25 Kantharaju Jacobson, University of Illinois, Chicago, US
11:25 -- 11:30 | 17:25 -- 17:30 | 23:25 -- 23:30 Masood Nevisipour, Arizona State University, US
11:30 -- 11:40 | 17:30 -- 17:40 | 23:30 -- 23:40 Break
---------------------------- Session 3 ----------------------------
11:40 -- 12:00 | 17:40 -- 18:00 | 23:40 -- 00:00 Matei Ciocarlie, Columbia University
12:00 -- 12:20 | 18:00 -- 18:20 | 00:00 -- 00:20 Michelle Johnson, University of Pennsylvania
12:20 -- 12:40 | 18:20 -- 18:40 | 00:20 -- 00:40 Hao Su, North Carolina State University
12:40 -- 13:00 | 18:40 -- 19:00 | 00:40 -- 01:00 Wenlong Zhang, Arizona State University
13:00 -- 13:20 | 19:00 -- 19:20 | 01:00 -- 01:20 Harry Asada, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
13:20 -- 13:40 | 19:20 -- 19:40 | 01:20 -- 01:40 Myunghee Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago
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13:40 -- 13:50 | 19:40 -- 19:50 | 01:40 -- 01:50 Closing Remarks